The Absolute Experience!
Are you searching for a real river trekking experience? Wild- demanding , with few natural pools for swimming this is our secret diamond: TRY IT!
Patsos gorge is located 30 km away from Rethymno city at Amari province. In the beginning we follow a comfortable path from the forest service lead us to a point with a unique waterfall who falls into a cave. The middle part requires a bit experience of scrambling as long as use of short ropes. Before the exit the gorge we have to swim in a natural pool as it’s the only way to pass across! Once we get outside our car will wait for you- Its time for lunch in a local taverna if you wish.
More: https://pezoporistas.gr/tour/patsos_gorge/
Contact Details:
Tel: +306974170003
Email: info@pezoporistas.gr
Address: Strathgou Pachla 18 Rethymno Crete